The Post Death Experiencers
They are commonly called “Near Death Experiencers”, but this term is wrong and should be discontinued. Because these people actually died and were often dead for many minutes (some even close to an hour) before being resuscitated!
Basically they did experience what came after death and they’re alive to talk about it!
And I have listened to many hundreds of such “NDE testimonials” (mostly on YouTube) and I have become an expert on this topic!
And what’s so cool about it is that we can often verify their experiences! Yes, we can often know that they’re talking the truth because their experiences fits a certain pattern.
Because when you have multiple people from all over the world describing the same things; then we know that what they’re talking about is real!
There is a pattern that keeps repeating!
So please bear with me, even if you at the moment think that this is complete bullshit! Yes, even I did in the start…
I remember how I cringed as I was watching the first videos, it was hard, but then I started to understand that people can only use their own words and limited knowledge to describe what they experienced.
Hence many will use words like “angels”, “Jesus” and “God” to describe what they experienced. But they’ll usually explain that their experiences transcend our limited language (that our words can’t do it justice).
But then I recognized that these people were talking about concepts which I myself had theorized; that they pretty much confirmed my own theory about our reality!
Also my own spiritual experiences confirmed what they were talking about, e.g. I have myself been to the “black void” they keep mentioning and I have myself also been show that I am a perfect being consisting of LOVE. Something which is VERY specific…!
So without further ado, here is the commonly described things (the repeated pattern) of post death experiences:
Being removed from their bodies (often just before the accident) and seeing it all unfold from an outside perspective.
Hovering over their body while experiencing a 360 degree vision.
Not feeling much attachment to their own body anymore when they see it, sometimes not even recognizing at first that it is theirs.
Being able to feel the thoughts of everyone and to know stuff about them.
Noticing a bright light which is attracting them (which is the portal to the other side).
Being engulfed by this light which is super bright (but doesn’t hurt to look at).
Experiencing floating in an infinite black void (sometimes it happens before they see/notice the light).
Experiencing immense love unlike anything experienced here on Earth.
Greeted by something safe and familiar (if religious this is often described as Jesus or angels) and often by an entity whose face they can’t really see for some reason (often described as just light).
Telepathic communication with other entities (instantly knowing each other’s thoughts).
Meeting dead family members and relatives.
Remembering that they have been there before and that this is their true home.
Remembering past lives and past “entities” they have a history with.
Being taken to a beautiful garden where they can “feel every piece of grass” and which has more colors than what we experience here.
Experiencing a “life review” where they get to re-experience their actions towards others, but from the perspectives of the others, not being judged by God, but by themselves.
Remembering that they planned key events of their life before being born.
Understanding that the life on Earth functions as a kind of school were we learn to improve ourselves. And that by living hard lives we can learn much faster.
Told that everything is as it should be, that everything is perfect (nothing is out of control).
Describing that there is no time and that the past, present and future is happening all at once.
Describing that e.g. in the 5 minutes of time their heart stopped that they experienced a “life time” on the other side (or even a whole eternity).
Noticing that the bright light consists of billions of smaller lights which all are a part of it and that they themselves is also such a speckle of light.
Often they’ll describe such smaller lights flying to and from the bright light.
Being taken to a higher perspective where they feel like they are a part of everything (a “God like” perspective), but told that if they go further then they can’t go back.
Being shown that they themselves “consists of love” and are perfect.
Knowing the answer to everything (but not allowed to take it all back).
Able to go anywhere just by focusing on it (focus and intention is how they navigate this realm).
Exploring the universe, seeing other planets and beings. Some even remembering living on another planet in a past life.
Being told about and shown possible future events.
Being told that they’re not supposed to be here yet, that they have unfinished business down on Earth and need to go back.
Sometimes given a choice whether they want to go back or not.
Being told that they should share their experience.
When going back they often feel like “a huge being” being compressed to fit into a “small human body”, and often “falling down into it”.
So if your friend (who has never heard such testimonials) dies and then comes back to tell you a story which contains multiple of these elements then you can indeed verify that they had a REAL experience and were describing a transition to the “other side”!
We’ve had people who were blind since their birth describe their 360 degree vision and who could describe what the operating room looked like and what was going on in it while they were dead!
Many people could describe events which took place when they were dead and often had those events confirmed! Even events far away from their bodies…
The after effects of being dead:
Oh yes! There is even a pattern of “after effects” from the death experience:
No fear of death and even looking forward to it, but accepting to complete their life here (but at first people might be suicidal and have a hard time).
Being much more “spiritually connected” and completely changing their value systems. E.g. going from egotistical and greedy to helping others.
Rejecting religion (e.g. realising that there is no separation, hell or judgement).
Quitting addiction.
Becoming aware of all the bad stuff going on here on this planet, e.g. the propaganda and the lies spread in the media and the corrupt political systems which enslaves us.
Super clear memory of the experience (unlike ANY other memory).
Super high intuition.
Knowing things about others which should not be possible.
Sometimes an unnaturally quick recovery from the accident (miracle healing).
Even learning how to heal self and others (not very common) and other kinds of “psychic powers”.
And often they describe being grateful for all the pain and misery they have experienced in their lives. And grateful for the accident which happened because of how it “awoke” them and changed their life (e.g. corrected their path).
It’s kinda wild hearing how someone would get hit by a car and before being hit by it being taken out of their body to observe everything from the outside and getting to see their own head smashing through the windshield and afterwards flying through the air as the driver hits the brake… And while in the middle of the air going to another realm where time doesn’t exist, experiencing a life review and the knowledge of everything; just to go back to their body and then with the knowledge that to survive they need to move their arms in a certain way to protect their head.
And afterwards them being in bliss about the whole thing and telling the driver “not to worry”… (this testimonial here)
Very fucking wild right? But I have heard MANY such stories!
Yet, most people just dismiss these kind of stories because they will not bother hearing enough of them to start noticing the pattern for themselves… Hence they believe that it is all just fantasy, dreams / hallucinations, or even lies told for attention…
But me, I have myself been outside of my body (had my own out of body experiences, been to the black void, etc), seen a ghost and even some entity which stood by my bed and stared me into my eyes while I was sleeping… In addition to figuring out the core concepts about our reality all on my own (or maybe it’s a kind of remembering or even from extra-dimensional influence). — Hence I recognize the truth that these people are trying to awake us to!
And I know that in due time all this will be common knowledge!
It’s all just a question about time! How much longer time before people stop being so ignorant and instead starts listening to these people…
You can start today!
Here is such a testimonial (which includes a lot of the things I mentioned):
I didn’t even “cherry pick” this one, it’s just one that I watched earlier today…
I could go on and talk more about such post death experiences, but I think this article is good enough of an introduction to them, hence I’ll leave it up to you to seek more information yourself…
Have a nice day!